Alki Landa Shelve Yellow
Het pad van Alki begon in 1981 in een klein dorpje in het noorden van Baskenland, in Itsasu, "wat stoel betekent in het Baskisch" met als doel banen te creëren in een zwak geïndustrialiseerde regio.
Het coöperatief statuut paste het best bij onze waarden die een essent..
Alki Landa Container Cabinet Fixed
Alki´s path started in 1981 in a small village in the northern Basque Country, in Itsasu, "which means chair in Basque" with the aim of creating jobs in a weakly industrialised region. The cooperative status was the most suitable to our values w..
Alki Landa Rolable Container Cabinet 2D
Alki´s path started in 1981 in a small village in the northern Basque Country, in Itsasu, "which means chair in Basque" with the aim of creating jobs in a weakly industrialised region. The cooperative status was the most suitable to our values wh..
Alki Laia 4-feet leg
Alki´s path started in 1981 in a small village in the northern Basque Country, in Itsasu, "which means chair in Basque" with the aim of creating jobs in a weakly industrialised region. The cooperative status was the most suitable to our values which are an essentia..
Alki Kuskoa 4-feet leg
Alki´s path started in 1981 in a small village in the northern Basque Country, in Itsasu, "which means chair in Basque" with the aim of creating jobs in a weakly industrialised region. The cooperative status was the most suitable to our values which are an essent..